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Nyxoah מזמינה להשתתף באסיפות בעלי המניות השנתיות ויוצאות הדופן של החברה שיתקיימו ב-8 ביוני 2022

Nyxoah מזמינה להשתתף באסיפות בעלי המניות השנתיות ויוצאות הדופן של החברה שיתקיימו ב-8 ביוני 2022מון-סן-גיבר, בלגיה, 6 במאי 2022, (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) :NYXOAH SA (יורונקסט בריסל: NYXH) מרחוב אדוארד בלין 12, מון-סן-גיבר 1435, בלגיה (להלן "החברה")הזמנה להשתתף באסיפות בעלי המניות השנתיות ויוצאות הדופן של החברה שיתקיימו ב-8 ביוני 2022 דירקטוריון החברה שמח להזמין את מחזיקי ניירות הערך שלה להשתתף באסיפת בעלי המניות השנתית של החברה, שתתקיים ביום רביעי, 8 ביוני 2022 בשעה 14:00 CET (14:00 שעון ישראל) במושב החברה, או במקום אחר כפי שיצוין לפני מועד זה. אסיפת בעלי המניות השנתית תתקיים מיד לאחר אסיפת בעלי מניות יוצאת דופן.על מנת להקל על שמירת רשימת הנוכחות ביום האסיפות השנתיות ויוצאות הדופן של בעלי המניות, מוזמנים מחזיקי ניירות הערך שהונפקו על ידי החברה ונציגיהם להירשם החל מהשעה 13:30 CET (14:30 שעון ישראל) . On August 27, 2021, the board of directors decided to appoint Ms. Rita Johnson-Mills on a provisional basis (“cooptation”) as a director in order to replace Janke Dittmer in accordance with Article 7:88 of the CCA and article 13 of the Company's articles of association. Based on the information made available by Ms. Rita Johnson-Mills, it was determined that she satisfies the applicable requirements to be appointed as an independent director in accordance with Article 7:87 of the CCA and provision 3.5 of the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code. Ms. Rita Johnson-Mills also explicitly declared not to have any connections with the Company or an important shareholder, which would interfere with her independence. The board of directors recommends that the appointment of Ms. Rita Johnson-Mills as independent director be confirmed and that she completes Janke Dittmer's term of office ending at the annual shareholders' meeting to be held in 2024. Taking into account the recommendation of the nominating and corporate governance committee, the board of directors proposes to the shareholders' meeting that (i) Ms. Virginia M. Kirby, and (ii) Mr. Raymond W. Cohen be appointed as directors, each for a term ending at the annual shareholders' meeting to be held in 2024. Based on information made available by respectively Ms. Virginia M. Kirby and Mr. Raymond W. Cohen, it appears that Ms. Virginia M. Kirby and Mr. Raymond W. Cohen satisfy the applicable requirements to be appointed as independent directors in accordance with Article 7:87 of the CCA and provision 3.5 of the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code. Ms. Virginia M. Kirby and Mr. Raymond W. Cohen also explicitly declared not to have any connections with the Company or an important shareholder, which would interfere with their independence. Proposed decisions: a. The shareholders' meeting decides to confirm the appointment of Ms. Rita Johnson-Mills, residing at 235 Governors Way, Brentwood TN 37027, USA, as an independent director of the Company within the meaning of Article 7:87 of the CCA and provision 3.5 of the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code, completing Janke Dittmer's term of office ending at the annual shareholders' meeting to be held in 2024. The mandate of Mr. Rita Johnson-Mills is remunerated as provided for the non-executive (independent) members of the board of directors in the Company’s remuneration policy as adopted by the shareholders’ meeting and as provided in the proposed decisions for agenda items 7 and 8 if and to the extent approved. If the proposed decision for agenda item 7 is not approved, the cash remuneration shall be as decided by the shareholders' meeting held on September 21, 2020. b. The shareholders' meeting decides to appoint Ms. Virginia M. Kirby, residing at 5636 West Bald Eagle Blvd, White Bear Lake MN 55110, USA, as an independent director of the Company within the meaning of Article 7:87 of the CCA and provision 3.5 of the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code, for a term ending at the annual shareholders' meeting to be held in 2024. The mandate of Ms. Virginia M. Kirby is remunerated as provided for the non-executive (independent) members of the board of directors in the Company’s remuneration policy as adopted by the shareholders’ meeting and as provided in the proposed decisions for agenda items 7 and 8 if and to the extent approved. If the proposed decision for agenda item 7 is not approved, the cash remuneration shall be as decided by the shareholders' meeting held on September 21, 2020. c. The shareholders' meeting decides to appoint Mr. Raymond W. Cohen, residing at 4471 Dean Martin Dr, Las Vegas NV 89103, USA, as an independent director of the Company within the meaning of Article 7:87 of the CCA and provision 3.5 of the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code, for a term ending at the annual shareholders' meeting to be held in 2024. The mandate of Mr. Raymond W. Cohen is remunerated as provided for the non-executive (independent) members of the board of directors in the Company’s remuneration policy as adopted by the shareholders’ meeting and as provided in the proposed decisions for agenda items 7 and 8 if and to the extent approved. If the proposed decision for agenda item 7 is not approved, the cash remuneration shall be as decided by the shareholders' meeting held on September 21, 2020.11. Approval of the statutory auditor's remuneration for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021 Proposed decision: The shareholders’ meeting decides to approve the remuneration of the statutory auditor for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021 as follows: (i) EUR 314,000 (excl. VAT) for the audit of the statutory annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2021, and (ii) EUR 232,000 (excl. VAT) for services performed by the statutory auditor in connection with the listing of the Company on Nasdaq in July 2021. 12. Re-appointment of Ernst & Young R?viseurs d'Entreprises SRL, with as representative Mr. Carlo-S?bastien D'Addario, as auditor, upon proposal of the board of directors of the Company based on the proposal received from the Audit Committee, and decision on the remuneration for the exercise of the mandate as auditor Proposed decision: The shareholders’ meeting decides to approve the re-appointment of Ernst & Young R?viseurs d'Entreprises SRL (RLE 0446.334.711), with statutory seat at De Kleetlaan 2, 1831 Diegem, Belgium, represented by Mr. Carlo-S?bastien D'Addario, as auditor of the Company with immediate effect for a three year period, until the closing of the annual shareholders’ meeting to be held in 2025 resolving on the annual accounts of the financial year ended on December 31, 2024. The compensation for the mandate of the auditor (including the audit services for the Company’s subsidiaries) will amount to EUR 408,000 per year (excl. VAT and 6% expenses) and will be indexed annually as from 2023 in accordance with the consumer price index.The shareholders' meeting acknowledges that all New Shares have been paid-up in cash in full (100%), i.e. in aggregate EUR 6,686.47. In accordance with article 7:195 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, thecontribution in cash has been credited to a special account with number BE [·] in the name of the company with [·], as evidenced by a certificate issued by such bank on [·] 2022, which has been remitted to the notary and will be kept in the notary's file. The shareholders' meeting acknowledges and requests the notary to record that the aforementioned capital increase in the amount of EUR 6,686.47 has been realised. The contribution will be recorded as capital. As consideration for the contribution, 38,920 New Shares have been issued. 4. Amendment of article 5 of the articles of association to bring it in line with the aforementioned decisions Proposed decision: To bring the articles of association in line with the aforementioned decisions regarding the capital increase, the shareholders’ meeting decides to replace article 5 of the articles of association by the following text: "The capital of the company is set at four million four hundred thirty-eight thousand three hundred fifty-one euro and sixteen cents (EUR 4,438,351.16). It is represented by twenty-five million eight hundred thirty-six thousand two hundred seventy-nine (25,836,279) shares, without nominal value, each representing an equal part of the capital." 5. Power of attorney to the notary Proposed decision: The shareholders’ meeting grants the acting notary, and any (other) notary of "Berquin Notarissen" CV, all powers to draw up and sign a restated version of the articles of association of the Company and to file them in the appropriate data base in accordance with applicable law. 6. Power of attorney to the directors Proposed decision: The shareholders’ meeting decides to grant a power attorney to each director of the Company, acting alone and with power of substitution, to take all actions to implement the decisions taken.ADMISSION FORMALITIES AND PARTICIPATION IN THE SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETINGSIn order to attend the shareholders’ meetings on June 8, 2022, the holders of shares and subscription rights are requested to comply with articles 26 and 27 of the Company’s articles of association and the following formalities.If the attendance quorum required pursuant to Article 7:153 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations is not met at the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of June 8, 2022, a second extraordinary shareholders’ meeting will be convened on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. CET, to deliberate and resolve on the agenda items of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting regardless of the share capital present or represented by the shareholders.The holders of subscription rights issued by the Company can, in accordance with Article 7:135 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations only attend the shareholders’ meetings with a consultative vote. In order to be able to participate in the annual and the extraordinary shareholders' meetings, a holder of securities issued by the Company must satisfy two conditions: (a) be registered as holder of such securities on the registration date and (b) notify the Company, as described below.In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, (i) securities holders who wish to participate in the annual and the extraordinary shareholders' meetings are encouraged to exercise their voting rights prior to the shareholders’ meetings either by voting remotely by mail or by giving a proxy to a representative of the Company, and (ii) the securities holders are encouraged to use e mail for all correspondence concerning the shareholders’ meetings.Registration dateThe registration date is May 25, 2022 at midnight (Belgian time). Only persons registered as securities holders on that date and time will be entitled to attend and (if they are shareholders) vote at the meetings. The number of securities held by the securities holder on the day of the meetings will not be taken into account. • Holders of registered shares or subscription rights must be registered in the Company's share register or subscription rights register, as the case may be, by midnight (Belgian time) on May 25, 2022. • Holders of dematerialised shares must deliver, or have delivered, to the Company, at the latest on June 2, 2022 at midnight (Belgian time), a certificate issued by the authorised account holder or by the settlement institution certifying the number of dematerialised shares registered in the name of the shareholder in its accounts on the registration date, for which the shareholder has declared his intention to participate in the meetings. This certificate must be sent to the Company by e-mail to shareholders@nyxoah.com or by letter addressed to the Company’s seat (Rue Edouard Belin 12, 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, for the attention of Mrs. An Moonen, General Counsel of the Company). Intention to participate in the meetings The securities holders must inform the board of directors of the Company by e-mail to shareholders@nyxoah.com or by letter addressed to the Company’s seat (Rue Edouard Belin 12, 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, for the attention of Mrs. An Moonen, General Counsel of the Company), which e-mail or letter must reach the Company no later than June 2, 2022, of their intention to participate in the meetings, indicate the number of securities for which they intend to vote, and, for holders of dematerialized shares, present proof of their registration as a shareholder on the registration date. In order to attend the meetings, securities holders and proxy holders must prove their identity and representatives of legal entities must submit documents establishing their identity and their power of representation, at the latest immediately before the start of the meetings.Voting by proxy or by mailAs indicated above, shareholders are encouraged to exercise their voting rights prior to the meetings either (i) by voting by mail or (ii) by giving a proxy to a representative of the Company. If shareholders vote by proxy, the proxy holder will be a representative of the Company. This proxy holder may only exercise the voting right in accordance with the voting instructions contained in the proxy.The proxy voting form and the form for voting by mail approved by the Company must be used for this purpose. These forms can be downloaded from the Company’s website (https://investors.nyxoah.com/shareholder-information > Shareholders' Meetings). If shareholders vote by proxy or by mail, they must, in addition to the above formalities, send by e mail to shareholders@nyxoah.com or by letter addressed to the Company’s seat (Rue Edouard Belin 12, 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, for the attention of Mrs. An Moonen, General Counsel of the Company) a duly completed and signed proxy voting form or form for voting by mail. These documents must reach the Company no later than June 2, 2022. Note that the proxy voting forms and the forms for voting by mail may be signed by using an electronic signature as provided for in Article 7:143 § 2 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations.Participation in the virtual shareholders’ meetingsSecurities holders wishing to participate remotely, virtually and in real time, to the Company's annual and extraordinary shareholders’ meetings are required to confirm their participation and communicate their e-mail address to the Company by June 2, 2022 at the latest by e-mail to shareholders@nyxoah.com. A few days before the shareholders’ meetings, securities holders who have completed this formality will receive by e-mail (at the address they will have communicated to the Company) a link, and as the case may be a user name and a password, enabling them to follow and participate in the shareholders’ meetings via their computer, tablet or smartphone. Just before the start of the shareholders’ meetings, the securities holders will have to click on the link that will have been previously communicated to them by e-mail, and as the case may be enter their user name and password, in order to join the virtual shareholders’ meetings.Securities holders attending the virtual shareholders’ meetings will have the opportunity to view the live broadcast of the meetings in real time and to ask questions to the directors, as the case may be in writing, during the meetings regarding the items on the agenda.New agenda items, proposed decisions and right to ask questions Shareholders holding at least 3% of the capital who wish to request the inclusion of new items on the agenda or to submit proposals for decision must, in addition to the above formalities, establish on the date of their request proof of ownership of the required participation in the capital and send the text of the agenda items and the proposed decisions by e-mail to shareholders@nyxoah.com or by letter addressed to the Company’s seat (Rue Edouard Belin 12, 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, for the attention of Mrs. An Moonen, General Counsel of the Company), no later than May 17, 2022. The request must also mention the mail or e-mail address to which the Company will send the confirmation of receipt of the request.The case being, the revised agenda will be published no later than May 24, 2022. Shareholders who wish to do so may send any questions they may have to the Company, relating solely to the agendas of the annual and the extraordinary shareholders’ meetings, by e-mail to shareholders@nyxoah.com or by letter addressed to the Company’s seat (Rue Edouard Belin 12, 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, for the attention of Mrs. An Moonen, General Counsel of the Company), no later than June 2, 2022. The answers to these questions will be provided during the annual and the extraordinary shareholders’ meetings in accordance with applicable law. DocumentationAll documents concerning the annual and the extraordinary shareholders’ meetings that are required by law to be made available, as well as the total number of shares and voting rights outstanding, are available on the Company's website on: https://investors.nyxoah.com/shareholder-information. The documents are also available at the seat of the Company and can only be consulted by appointment made by e-mail (shareholders@nyxoah.com). Shareholders may also obtain a hard copy of these documents free of charge by sending an e-mail to shareholders@nyxoah.com, or a letter addressed to the Company’s seat (Rue Edouard Belin 12, 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, for the attention of Mrs. An Moonen, General Counsel of the Company). The aforementioned formalities, as well as the instructions on the Company's website and on the proxy voting forms and forms for voting by mail must be strictly observed.VariousQuorum: There is no particular quorum requirement for the deliberation and voting of the decisions proposed in the agenda of the annual shareholders' meeting. In accordance with Article 7:153 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, at least 50% of the share capital must be present or represented for the deliberation and voting on the decisions proposed in items 3 and 4 of the agenda of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting. Voting: Each share entitles the holder to one vote.Majority: In accordance with applicable law, the decisions proposed in the agenda of the annual shareholders’ meeting and the decisions proposed in the agenda of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, other than agenda items 3 and 4, will be adopted if they are approved by a simple majority of the votes validly cast by the shareholders present or represented at the relevant shareholders’ meeting. In accordance with Article 7:153 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, the decisions proposed in items 3 and 4 of the agenda of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting will be adopted if they are approved by 75% of the votes validly cast by the shareholders present or represented. Blank votes and abstentions are not taken into account.Personal data: The Company is responsible for the processing of personal data that it receives or collects from holders of securities issued by the Company and agents in connection with the Company’s shareholders’ meetings.The processing of such data will be carried out for the purpose of organizing and holding the relevant shareholders' meeting, including convening, registration, attendance and voting, as well as maintaining lists or registers of securities holders and for purposes of analysis of the Company’s securities holders’ base.The data includes, but is not limited to, the following: identification data, the number and nature of a holder's securities issued by the Company, proxies and voting instructions. This information may also be transferred to third parties for the purpose of assisting or servicing the Company in connection with the foregoing. The processing of such data will be carried out, mutatis mutandis, in accordance with the Company's privacy notice available on the Company's website: https://www.nyxoah.com/privacy-notice-nyxoah. The Company draws the attention of holders of securities issued by the Company and agents to the description of the rights they may have as data subjects, such as, inter alia, the right of inspection, the right to rectify and the right to object to processing, which are set out in the section entitled “What rights can you exercise?” of the aforementioned privacy notice.All this is without prejudice to the applicable rules on registration, use of information and participation in shareholders’ meetings in order to exercise your rights as a data subject. For any other information relating to the processing of personal data by or on behalf of the Company, the Company can be contacted by e-mail at privacy@nyxoah.com.The board of directorsAttachment • ENGLISH_Nyxoah - ASM ESM 2022 convening notice - PR (ENG) *** הידיעה מופצת בעולם על ידי חברת התקשורת הבינלאומית GLOBE NEWSWIRE

תגיות המאמר: נוי תקשורת, GLOBE NEWSWIRE

אודות כותב המאמר:

חיים נוי, עיתונאי, עורך ראשי סוכנות החדשות הבינ"ל IPA, עורך ראשי לשעבר סוכנות הידיעות עתים, חבר תא מבקרי התיאטרון באגודת העיתונאים.


מאמרים נוספים מאת חיים נוי

מאת: חיים נויעסקים, מימון וכספים29/11/222825 צפיות
NWTN Inc (נאסד"ק: NWTN), חברת טכנולוגיות לניידות עם מודעות לסביבה המביאה לעולם פתרונות ניידות ממוקדת נוסעים ברמת הפרמיום, הודיעה כי הבנייה של מתקן הרכבת הרכב החשמלי שלה באיחוד האמירויות, באזור התעשייה ח'ליפה באבו דאבי (KEZAD), מתבצעת בהתאם ללוח הזמנים, והוא יושלם ברבעון הרביעי של 2022.

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי29/11/223024 צפיות
אירוע הפתיחה בהשתתפות הילרי רודהם קלינטון, ג'יסו ניה, שיידה סולימאני, שירין נשאט עם הופעה מיוחדת של ג'ון בטיסט

מאת: חיים נויעסקים, מימון וכספים26/11/222848 צפיות
רוזן, יועץ לאומי למשקיעים, מעודד את המשקיעים ב- Wine Estates, Inc. להבטיח ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – VWE

מאת: חיים נויעסקים, מימון וכספים26/11/222785 צפיות
רוזן, יועץ למשקיעים בעל שם עולמי, מעודד את המשקיעים ב- Unisys Corporation להשיג ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – UIS

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי25/11/222958 צפיות
רוזן, יועץ למשקיעים גלובלי, מעודד את המשקיעים ב- FIGS, Inc. שצברו עודף הפסדים, להבטיח ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – FIGS

מאת: חיים נויעסקים, מימון וכספים25/11/222757 צפיות
רוזן, חברה מובילה, מעודד את המשקיעים ב- Torrid Holdings שצברו עודף הפסדים, להבטיח ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – CURV

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי25/11/223137 צפיות
בואינג 737 BBJ2 הוא תוספת נהדרת לצי המטוסים הפרטיים הבלעדי של KlasJet מכיוון שהוא אמור לספק את הצרכים הספציפיים של לקוחות בכירים הנוסעים בקבוצות קטנות יותר.

מאמרים נוספים בנושא הודעות לעיתונות - כללי

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי29/11/223024 צפיות
אירוע הפתיחה בהשתתפות הילרי רודהם קלינטון, ג'יסו ניה, שיידה סולימאני, שירין נשאט עם הופעה מיוחדת של ג'ון בטיסט

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי25/11/222958 צפיות
רוזן, יועץ למשקיעים גלובלי, מעודד את המשקיעים ב- FIGS, Inc. שצברו עודף הפסדים, להבטיח ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – FIGS

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי25/11/223137 צפיות
בואינג 737 BBJ2 הוא תוספת נהדרת לצי המטוסים הפרטיים הבלעדי של KlasJet מכיוון שהוא אמור לספק את הצרכים הספציפיים של לקוחות בכירים הנוסעים בקבוצות קטנות יותר.

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי24/11/222732 צפיות
רוזן, משרד עורכי דין מוביל לזכויות משקיעים, מעודד את המשקיעים בקבוצת ארגו אינטרנשיונל הולדינגס בע"מ להשיג ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – ARGO

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי24/11/22735 צפיות
Tusk Inc. Limited (www.tusklimited.com) חברה שהחלה ב-2012 כחברת ניהול הון בבריטניה וקואלה לומפור עם משרדים ברחבי העולם, וכיום היא אחת מחברות פתרונות החשמל המובילות המתמקדות בייצור עבור משתמשים של ציוד כרייה, אנרגיה סולארית ומתאמים מכריזה על מוצרים משולבים חדשים. קו המוצרים מיועד בעיקר למטרות חשמל. כל כורה שנקנה מגיע עם פאנל סולארי כדי להפחית את צריכת החשמל.

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי24/11/22735 צפיות
רוזן, חברה מכובדת ומובילה, מעודדת את המשקיעים ב- Core Scientific, Inc. שצברו עודף הפסדים, להבטיח ייעוץ לפני תאריך יעד חשוב בתביעה ייצוגית בניירות ערך – CORZ

מאת: חיים נויהודעות לעיתונות - כללי23/11/22730 צפיות
נובמבר 2022 – בעקבות ההצלחה של תוכנית ההאצה MultiChoice Africa, שהבטיחה מימון של 16 מיליון דולר (דולר ארה"ב) לשישה עסקים מתעוררים אשתקד , התוכנית הורחבה לשמונה מדינות נוספות ברחבי אפריקה.


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