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do you want to know how to prevent hair loss

IRoller, world patent for hair loss treatment

How does it work?

Treating the scalp with the Roller clears the clogged hair follicles
The Roller cleans these pores byeliminating the gathered toxins, thus renewing the area for a younger and fresher hair growth

The new clean follicles favourthe presence of substances that encourage hair growth. The Roller massage prepares the ground for the penetration of natural substances that can help solve the problem. The instrument paves the way for what the Chinese call chi, life force, in lieu of the patient. By stimulating the blood flow to the area, the Roller embellishes the skin, treating hair loss as well as other skin diseases

After using the Roller for 15 minutes, when the pores have opened and the blood flow has been renewed, this is the time to apply the natural herbal spray on the areas affected by hair loss by massaging it with your fingers in order to stimulate the hair growth and providing the scalp with
the substancesit needs to recover the lost hair.

The instrument must be used for a full 15 minutes every 48 hours during the first few weeks. Later (when you start perceiving results) you can drop the rhythm to three times a week, then to twice a week and finally to once a week. It is important to work on a clean head and to be thorough with the treatment according to the schedule you set for yourself

Instructions for use of the Roller

Comb head with the Needle Roller and repeat the action for 15 minutes. There is no need to exert pressure on the Roller; it performs the same action if pressed gently. The process creates tiny clefts that will later absorb the herbal spray into the scalp. Applythe natural herbal spray onto scalp and massage it into the skin to absorb the natural substances that favour hair growthcontained in the spray

It is important to only use the device if the scalp is clean

For better results, we recommend the use of non-chemical shampoos containing natural substances such as Handmade Natural

*For better results, we recommend the use of non-chemical shampoos containing natural substances such as Handmade Naturals

Come and discover the most successful hair loss cure in the world and join

how to prevent hair loss

מאת: jhon talיופי וטיפוח - כללי05/07/2015828 צפיות שתף בטוויטר |   שתף בפייסבוק

אודות כותב המאמר:

iroller- hair loss cure


מאמרים נוספים מאת jhon tal

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ניתן לבחור תוספות שיער טבעי שאותן מחברים בשיטות שונות אל השיער המקורי ולקבל שיער שופע ואפילו ארוך יותר די בקלות. ללא קשר אל האורך המקורי וללא סבל שנותר שכמות שיער שפחתה לאורך השנים.


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