The article will discuss the dialogue between the skilled man and God continues with man’s confession. This is the final condition necessary for the meeting to take place. Man confesses because he thinks that to do so will benefit him. He believes that God can forgive him and hopes that, indeed, he will be forgiven. This hope for salvation is a fundamental of faith. The essence of the confession is the faith of the one confessing in God, for otherwise he would not confess before God at all.
למאמר המלא...
This article Part 4, will discuss the Imperative as Expression of Love and The Subjective Aspect of the Commandment to Love.
למאמר המלא...
The article will discuss the Commandment "You will Love" in its total construction.
The discussion of the characteristics of the commandment will be divided into a number of sections:
1. Investigation of the parts of the commandment; "you will love" in its total construction.
2. Time within which the commandment is valid.
3. The subjective side of the command.
4. Its singularity in comparison with other commandments.
5. Can love be commanded?
למאמר המלא...
The article will discuss the prior conditions to the occurrence of the meeting between man and God. Several conditions must be fulfilled before man can meet with God:
b) The skilled man cannot yet meet God because he expects redemption from God. The second prerequisite for the meeting is the commandment to love God, after which God can then respond.
למאמר המלא...
The article will discuss the prior conditions to the occurrence of the meeting between man and God. Several conditions must be fulfilled before man can meet with God: a) Only the gifted man meets with God. He must ear the meeting with god through arduous intellectual and spiritual study and discipline
למאמר המלא...
This article part:3 continue to discusses the reasons Franz Rosenzweig, an influential Jewish theologian in prewar Germany, rejected the intellectual approach seeking to understand man as an object of the intellect. In establishing that the nature of man in the God-man-world relationship is one of inclusivity or unity, Rosenzweig provides an antidote to the futility of existence, and an answer for the fear of death. The article presents discourse on the critical concepts that support Rosenzweig’s existential philosophy. Topics include the nature of reality, the meaning of time, the ‘I’, the intellect, and self immanence, referencing contrasting views from Kant, Heidegger, Hegel, Newton, and, of course, Rosenzweig.
למאמר המלא...
הפגישה בין אלוקים והאדם שרוזנצווייג מתאר היא למעשה "התמצאות" (נהריים: 206). במילים אחרות הפגישה הזו היא התגלות. התגלות שכל יסודה המקראי במגילת שיר השירים.
המאמר בחלק השני ממשיך להסביר את מאמרו של רוזנצווייג, כי התגלות זו, אינה מתרחשת על הר סיני. היא התגלות בין אלוקים והאדם. זאת ועוד, זו התגלות של אלוקים בנפש של כל אדם ואדם. יתירה מזו, זו פגישה של המוחלט בנפש האוהבת. לכן, מהותה של "ההתמצאות" באה לביטוי בפעולת הגילוי – ההוצאה מהכוח הבריאה לפועל הפגישה בין אלוקים ואדם.
למאמר המלא...